Acquest :: Acquest (n.) Acquisition; the thing gained.
Acquest :: Acquest (n.) Property acquired by purchase, gift, or otherwise than by inheritance..
Bequest :: Bequest (n.) The act of bequeathing or leaving by will; as, a bequest of property by A. to B..
Bequest :: Bequest (n.) That which is left by will, esp. personal property; a legacy; also, a gift..
Bequest :: Bequest (v. t.) To bequeath, or leave as a legacy..
Conquest :: Conquest (n.) The act or process of conquering, or acquiring by force; the act of overcoming or subduing opposition by force, whether physical or moral; subjection; subjugation; victory..
Conquest :: Conquest (n.) That which is conquered; possession gained by force, physical or moral..
Conquest :: Conquest (n.) The acquiring of property by other means than by inheritance; acquisition.
Conquest :: Conquest (n.) The act of gaining or regaining by successful struggle; as, the conquest of liberty or peace..
Cross-question :: Cross-question (v. t.) To cross-examine; to subject to close questioning.
Inquest :: Inquest (n.) Judicial inquiry; official examination, esp. before a jury; as, a coroner's inquest in case of a sudden death..
Inquest :: Inquest (n.) A body of men assembled under authority of law to inquire into any matterm civil or criminal, particularly any case of violent or sudden death; a jury, particularly a coroner's jury. The grand jury is sometimes called the grand inquest. See under Grand..
Inquest :: Inquest (n.) The finding of the jury upon such inquiry.
Quest :: Quest (n.) The act of seeking, or looking after anything; attempt to find or obtain; search; pursuit; as, to rove in quest of game, of a lost child, of property, etc..