Demiquaver :: Demiquaver (n.) A note of half the length of the quaver; a semiquaver.
Demisemiquaver :: Demisemiquaver (n.) A short note, equal in time to the half of a semiquaver, or the thirty-second part of a whole note..
Hemi-demi-semiquaver :: Hemi-demi-semiquaver (n.) A short note, equal to one fourth of a semiquaver, or the sixty-fourth part of a whole note..
Quaquaversal :: Quaquaversal (a.) Turning or dipping in any or every direction.
Quaquaversal :: Quaquaversal (a.) Dipping toward all points of the compass round a center, as beds of lava round a crater..
Quaver :: Quaver (v. i.) To tremble; to vibrate; to shake.
Quaver :: Quaver (v. i.) Especially, to shake the voice; to utter or form sound with rapid or tremulous vibrations, as in singing; also, to trill on a musical instrument.