Monkey''s Puzzle :: Monkey's puzzle () A lofty coniferous Chilian tree (Araucaria imbricata), the branches of which are so crowded and intertwisted as to puzzle a monkey to climb. The edible nuts are over an inch long, and are called pi�on by the Chilians..
Puzzier :: Puzzier (n.) One who, or that which, puzzles or perplexes..
Puzzle :: Puzzle (v.) Something which perplexes or embarrasses; especially, a toy or a problem contrived for testing ingenuity; also, something exhibiting marvelous skill in making..
Puzzle :: Puzzle (v.) The state of being puzzled; perplexity; as, to be in a puzzle..
Puzzle :: Puzzle (v. t.) To perplex; to confuse; to embarrass; to put to a stand; to nonplus.
Puzzle :: Puzzle (v. t.) To make intricate; to entangle.
Puzzle :: Puzzle (v. t.) To solve by ingenuity, as a puzzle; -- followed by out; as, to puzzle out a mystery..
Puzzle :: Puzzle (v. i.) To be bewildered, or perplexed..
Puzzle :: Puzzle (v. i.) To work, as at a puzzle; as, to puzzle over a problem..
Puzzle-headed :: Puzzle-headed (a.) Having the head full of confused notions.