Cutpurse :: Cutpurse (n.) One who cuts purses for the sake of stealing them or their contents (an act common when men wore purses fastened by a string to their girdles); one who steals from the person; a pickpocke.
Pickpurse :: Pickpurse (n.) One who steals purses, or money from purses..
Purse :: Purse (n.) A small bag or pouch, the opening of which is made to draw together closely, used to carry money in; by extension, any receptacle for money carried on the person; a wallet; a pocketbook; a portemonnaie..
Purse :: Purse (n.) Hence, a treasury; finances; as, the public purse..
Purse :: Purse (n.) A sum of money offered as a prize, or collected as a present; as, to win the purse; to make up a purse..
Purser :: Purser (n.) A commissioned officer in the navy who had charge of the provisions, clothing, and public moneys on shipboard; -- now called paymaster..
Purser :: Purser (n.) A clerk on steam passenger vessels whose duty it is to keep the accounts of the vessels, such as the receipt of freight, tickets, etc..
Purser :: Purser (n.) Colloquially, any paymaster or cashier..