Compurgator :: Compurgator (n.) One who bears testimony or swears to the veracity or innocence of another. See Purgation; also Wager of law, under Wager..
Compurgatorial :: Compurgatorial (a.) Relating to a compurgator or to compurgation.
Depurgatory :: Depurgatory (a.) Serving to purge; tending to cleanse or purify.
Expurgator :: Expurgator (n.) One who expurgates or purifies.
Expurgatorial :: Expurgatorial (a.) Tending or serving to expurgate; expurgatory.
Expurgatorious :: Expurgatorious (a.) Expurgatory.
Expurgatory :: Expurgatory (a.) Serving to purify from anything noxious or erroneous; cleansing; purifying.
Purgatorial :: Purgatorial (a.) Alt. of Purgatoria.
Purgatorian :: Purgatorian (a.) Of or pertaining to purgatory; expiatory.
Purgatorian :: Purgatorian (n.) One who holds to the doctrine of purgatory.
Purgatory :: Purgatory (a.) Tending to cleanse; cleansing; expiatory.
Purgatory :: Purgatory (n.) A state or place of purification after death; according to the Roman Catholic creed, a place, or a state believed to exist after death, in which the souls of persons are purified by expiating such offenses committed in this life as do not merit eternal damnation, or in which they fully satisfy the justice of God for sins that have been forgiven. After this purgation from the impurities of sin, the souls are believed to be received into heaven..
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