Acupuncture :: Acupuncture (n.) Pricking with a needle; a needle prick.
Acupuncture :: Acupuncture (n.) The insertion of needles into the living tissues for remedial purposes.
Aquapuncture :: Aquapuncture (n.) The introduction of water subcutaneously for the relief of pain.
Electro-puncture :: Electro-puncture (n.) An operation that consists in inserting needless in the part affected, and connecting them with the poles of a galvanic apparatus..
Puncturation :: Puncturation (n.) The act or process of puncturing. See Acupuncture.
Puncture :: Puncture (n.) The act of puncturing; perforating with something pointed.
Puncture :: Puncture (n.) A small hole made by a point; a slight wound, bite, or sting; as, the puncture of a nail, needle, or pin..
Puncture :: Puncture (v. t.) To pierce with a small, pointed instrument, or the like; to prick; to make a puncture in; as, to puncture the skin..
Punctured :: Punctured (a.) Having the surface covered with minute indentations or dots.
Punctured :: Punctured (a.) Produced by puncture; having the characteristics of a puncture; as, a punctured wound..