Acupuncture :: Acupuncture (n.) Pricking with a needle; a needle prick.
Acupuncture :: Acupuncture (n.) The insertion of needles into the living tissues for remedial purposes.
Aquapuncture :: Aquapuncture (n.) The introduction of water subcutaneously for the relief of pain.
Compunct :: Compunct (a.) Affected with compunction; conscience-stricken.
Compunction :: Compunction (n.) A picking of heart; poignant grief proceeding from a sense of guilt or consciousness of causing pain; the sting of conscience.
Compunctious :: Compunctious (a.) Of the nature of compunction; caused by conscience; attended with, or causing, compunction..
Compunctive :: Compunctive (a.) Sensitive in respect of wrongdoing; conscientious.
Dispunct :: Dispunct (a.) Wanting in punctilious respect; discourteous.
Electro-puncture :: Electro-puncture (n.) An operation that consists in inserting needless in the part affected, and connecting them with the poles of a galvanic apparatus..
Expunction :: Expunction (n.) The act of expunging or erasing; the condition of being expunged.
Interpunction :: Interpunction (n.) The insertion of points between word or sentences; punctuation.
Punctated :: Punctated (a.) Pointed; ending in a point or points.
Punctated :: Punctated (a.) Dotted with small spots of color, or with minute depressions or pits..
Punctator :: Punctator (n.) One who marks with points. specifically, one who writes Hebrew with points; -- applied to a Masorite..