Imprudence :: Imprudence (n.) The quality or state of being imprudent; want to caution, circumspection, or a due regard to consequences; indiscretion; inconsideration; reshness; also, an imprudent act; as, he was guilty of an imprudence..
Imprudent :: Imprudent (a.) Not prudent; wanting in prudence or discretion; indiscreet; injudicious; not attentive to consequence; improper.
Jurisprudence :: "Jurisprudence (a.) The science of juridical law; the knowledge of the laws, customs, and rights of men in a state or community, necessary for the due administration of justice..
Jurisprudent :: Jurisprudent (a.) Understanding law; skilled in jurisprudence.
Jurisprudent :: Jurisprudent (n.) One skilled in law or jurisprudence.
Prude :: Prude (a.) A woman of affected modesty, reserve, or coyness; one who is overscrupulous or sensitive; one who affects extraordinary prudence in conduct and speech..
Prudence :: Prudence (n.) The quality or state of being prudent; wisdom in the way of caution and provision; discretion; carefulness; hence, also, economy; frugality..
Prudent :: Prudent (a.) Sagacious in adapting means to ends; circumspect in action, or in determining any line of conduct; practically wise; judicious; careful; discreet; sensible; -- opposed to rash; as, a prudent man; dictated or directed by prudence or wise forethought; evincing prudence; as, prudent behavior..
Prudent :: Prudent (a.) Frugal; economical; not extravagant; as, a prudent woman; prudent expenditure of money..
Prudential :: Prudential (a.) Proceeding from, or dictated or characterized by, prudence; prudent; discreet; sometimes, selfish or pecuniary as distinguished from higher motives or influences; as, prudential motives..
Prudential :: Prudential (a.) Exercising prudence; discretionary; advisory; superintending or executive; as, a prudential committee..
Prudential :: Prudential (n.) That which relates to or demands the exercise of, discretion or prudence; -- usually in the pl..
Prudentialist :: Prudentialist (n.) One who is governed by, or acts from, prudential motives..
Prudentiality :: Prudentiality (n.) The quality or state of being prudential.
Prudentially :: Prudentially (adv.) In a prudential manner; prudently.