Disprofess :: Disprofess (v. t.) To renounce the profession or pursuit of.
Extraprofessional :: Extraprofessional (a.) Foreign to a profession; not within the ordinary limits of professional duty or business.
Misprofess :: Misprofess (v. i.) To make a false profession; to make pretensions to skill which is not possessed.
Misprofess :: Misprofess (v. t.) To make a false profession of.
Nonprofessional :: Nonprofessional (a.) Not belonging to a profession; not done by, or proceeding from, professional men; contrary to professional usage..
Profection :: Profection (n.) A setting out; a going forward; advance; progression.
Profectitious :: Profectitious (a.) Proceeding from, as from a parent; derived, as from an ancestor..
Profert :: Profert (n.) The exhibition or production of a record or paper in open court, or an allegation that it is in court..
Profess :: Profess (v. t.) To make open declaration of, as of one's knowledge, belief, action, etc.; to avow or acknowledge; to confess publicly; to own or admit freely..
Profess :: Profess (v. t.) To set up a claim to; to make presence to; hence, to put on or present an appearance of..
Profess :: Profess (v. t.) To present to knowledge of, to proclaim one's self versed in; to make one's self a teacher or practitioner of, to set up as an authority respecting; to declare (one's self to be such); as, he professes surgery; to profess one's self a physician..
Profess :: Profess (v. i.) To take a profession upon one's self by a public declaration; to confess.
Profession :: Profession (v.) The act of professing or claiming; open declaration; public avowal or acknowledgment; as, professions of friendship; a profession of faith..
Profession :: Profession (v.) That which one professed; a declaration; an avowal; a claim; as, his professions are insincere..
Profession :: Profession (v.) That of which one professed knowledge; the occupation, if not mechanical, agricultural, or the like, to which one devotes one's self; the business which one professes to understand, and to follow for subsistence; calling; vocation; employment; as, the profession of arms; the profession of a clergyman, lawyer, or physician; the profession of lecturer on chemistry..
Profession :: Profession (v.) The collective body of persons engaged in a calling; as, the profession distrust him..
Profession :: Profession (v.) The act of entering, or becoming a member of, a religious order..
Professional :: Professional (a.) Of or pertaining to a profession, or calling; conforming to the rules or standards of a profession; following a profession; as, professional knowledge; professional conduct..
Professional :: Professional (a.) Engaged in by professionals; as, a professional race; -- opposed to amateur..
Professional :: Professional (n.) A person who prosecutes anything professionally, or for a livelihood, and not in the character of an amateur; a professional worker..
Professionalism :: Professionalism (n.) The following of a profession, sport, etc., as an occupation; -- opposed to amateurism..
Professionally :: Professionally (adv.) In a professional manner or capacity; by profession or calling; in the exercise of one's profession; one employed professionally.
Professor :: Professor (n.) One who professed, or makes open declaration of, his sentiments or opinions; especially, one who makes a public avowal of his belief in the Scriptures and his faith in Christ, and thus unites himself to the visible church..
Professor :: Professor (n.) One who professed, or publicly teaches, any science or branch of learning; especially, an officer in a university, college, or other seminary, whose business it is to read lectures, or instruct students, in a particular branch of learning; as a professor of theology, of botany, of mathematics, or of political economy..
Professorial :: Professorial (a.) Of or pertaining to a professor; as, the professional chair; professional interest..