Eelpout :: Eelpout (n.) A European fish (Zoarces viviparus), remarkable for producing living young; -- called also greenbone, guffer, bard, and Maroona eel. Also, an American species (Z. anguillaris), -- called also mutton fish, and, erroneously, congo eel, ling, and lamper eel. Both are edible, but of little value..
Eelpout :: Eelpout (n.) A fresh-water fish, the burbot..
Hornpout :: Hornpout (n.) See Horned pout, under Horned..
Pout :: Pout (n.) The young of some birds, as grouse; a young fowl..
Spout :: Spout (v. t.) To throw out forcibly and abudantly, as liquids through an office or a pipe; to eject in a jet; as, an elephant spouts water from his trunk..
Spout :: Spout (v. t.) To utter magniloquently; to recite in an oratorical or pompous manner.
Spout :: Spout (v. t.) To pawn; to pledge; as, spout a watch..
Spout :: Spout (v. i.) To issue with with violence, or in a jet, as a liquid through a narrow orifice, or from a spout; as, water spouts from a hole; blood spouts from an artery..
Spout :: Spout (v. i.) To eject water or liquid in a jet.
Spout :: Spout (v. i.) To utter a speech, especially in a pompous manner..
Spout :: Spout (v. t.) That through which anything spouts; a discharging lip, pipe, or orifice; a tube, pipe, or conductor of any kind through which a liquid is poured, or by which it is conveyed in a stream from one place to another; as, the spout of a teapot; a spout for conducting water from the roof of a building..
Spout :: Spout (v. t.) A trough for conducting grain, flour, etc., into a receptacle..
Spoutless :: Spoutfish (n.) A marine animal that spouts water; -- applied especially to certain bivalve mollusks, like the long clams (Mya), which spout, or squirt out, water when retiring into their holes..