Postman :: Postman (n.) A post or courier; a letter carrier.
Postman :: Postman (n.) One of the two most experienced barristers in the Court of Exchequer, who have precedence in motions; -- so called from the place where he sits. The other of the two is called the tubman..
Postmark :: Postmark (n.) The mark, or stamp, of a post office on a letter, giving the place and date of mailing or of arrival..
Postmark :: Postmark (v. t.) To mark with a post-office stamp; as, to postmark a letter or parcel..
Postmarked :: Postmarked (imp. & p. p.) of Postmar.
Postmarking :: Postmarking (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Postmar.
Postmaster :: Postmaster (n.) One who has charge of a station for the accommodation of travelers; one who supplies post horses.
Postmaster :: Postmaster (n.) One who has charge of a post office, and the distribution and forwarding of mails..
Postmaster-general :: Postmaster-general (n.) The chief officer of the post-office department of a government. In the United States the postmaster-general is a member of the cabinet.
Postmasters-general :: Postmasters-general (pl. ) of Postmaster-genera.
Postmastership :: Postmastership (n.) The office of postmaster.
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