A Posteriori :: A posteriori () Characterizing that kind of reasoning which derives propositions from the observation of facts, or by generalizations from facts arrives at principles and definitions, or infers causes from effects. This is the reverse of a priori reasoning..
A Posteriori :: A posteriori () Applied to knowledge which is based upon or derived from facts through induction or experiment; inductive or empirical.
Apostasy :: Apostasy (n.) An abandonment of what one has voluntarily professed; a total desertion of departure from one's faith, principles, or party; esp., the renunciation of a religious faith; as, Julian's apostasy from Christianity..
Apostate :: Apostate (n.) One who has forsaken the faith, principles, or party, to which he before adhered; esp., one who has forsaken his religion for another; a pervert; a renegade..
Apostate :: Apostate (n.) One who, after having received sacred orders, renounces his clerical profession..
Apostate :: Apostate (a.) Pertaining to, or characterized by, apostasy; faithless to moral allegiance; renegade..
Apostatize :: Apostatize (v. i.) To renounce totally a religious belief once professed; to forsake one's church, the faith or principles once held, or the party to which one has previously adhered..
Apostille :: Apostille (n.) A marginal note on a letter or other paper; an annotation.
Apostle :: Apostle (n.) Literally: One sent forth; a messenger. Specifically: One of the twelve disciples of Christ, specially chosen as his companions and witnesses, and sent forth to preach the gospel..
Apostle :: Apostle (n.) The missionary who first plants the Christian faith in any part of the world; also, one who initiates any great moral reform, or first advocates any important belief; one who has extraordinary success as a missionary or reformer; as, Dionysius of Corinth is called the apostle of France, John Eliot the apostle to the Indians, Theobald Mathew the apostle of temperance..
Apostle :: Apostle (n.) A brief letter dimissory sent by a court appealed from to the superior court, stating the case, etc.; a paper sent up on appeals in the admiralty courts..
Apostleship :: Apostleship (n.) The office or dignity of an apostle.
Apostolate :: Apostolate (n.) The dignity, office, or mission, of an apostle; apostleship..
Apostolate :: Apostolate (n.) The dignity or office of the pope, as the holder of the apostolic see..
Apostolic :: Apostolic (n.) A member of one of certain ascetic sects which at various times professed to imitate the practice of the apostles.
Apostolical :: Apostolical (a.) Pertaining to an apostle, or to the apostles, their times, or their peculiar spirit; as, an apostolical mission; the apostolic age..
Apostolical :: Apostolical (a.) According to the doctrines of the apostles; delivered or taught by the apostles; as, apostolic faith or practice..
Apostolical :: Apostolical (a.) Of or pertaining to the pope or the papacy; papal.