Equipollency :: Equipollency (n.) Equality of power, force, signification, or application..
Equipollency :: Equipollency (n.) Sameness of signification of two or more propositions which differ in language.
Equipollent :: Equipollent (a.) Having equal power or force; equivalent.
Equipollent :: Equipollent (a.) Having equivalent signification and reach; expressing the same thing, but differently..
Pollen :: Pollen (n.) The fecundating dustlike cells of the anthers of flowers. See Flower, and Illust. of Filament..
Pollenin :: Pollenin (n.) A substance found in the pollen of certain plants.
Pollenize :: Pollenize (v. t.) To supply with pollen; to impregnate with pollen.
Prepollency :: Prepollency (n.) The quality or state of being prepollent; superiority of power; predominance; prevalence.
Prepollent :: Prepollent (a.) Having superior influence or power; prevailing; predominant.
Prepollent :: Prepollent (n.) An extra first digit, or rudiment of a digit, on the preaxial side of the pollex..