Compile :: Compile (v. t.) To put together; to construct; to build.
Compile :: Compile (v. t.) To contain or comprise.
Compile :: Compile (v. t.) To put together in a new form out of materials already existing; esp., to put together or compose out of materials from other books or documents..
Epilepsy :: Epilepsy (n.) The falling sickness, so called because the patient falls suddenly to the ground; a disease characterized by paroxysms (or fits) occurring at interval and attended by sudden loss of consciousness, and convulsive motions of the muscles..
Epileptic :: Epileptic (a.) Pertaining to, affected with, or of the nature of, epilepsy..
Epileptic :: Epileptic (n.) One affected with epilepsy.
Epileptic :: Epileptic (n.) A medicine for the cure of epilepsy.
Epileptogenous :: Epileptogenous (a.) Producing epilepsy or epileptoid convulsions; -- applied to areas of the body or of the nervous system, stimulation of which produces convulsions..
Hysteroepilepsy :: Hysteroepilepsy (n.) A disease resembling hysteria in its nature, and characterized by the occurrence of epileptiform convulsions, which can often be controlled or excited by pressure on the ovaries, and upon other definite points in the body..
Pile :: Pile (n.) A hair; hence, the fiber of wool, cotton, and the like; also, the nap when thick or heavy, as of carpeting and velvet..
Pile :: Pile (n.) A large stake, or piece of timber, pointed and driven into the earth, as at the bottom of a river, or in a harbor where the ground is soft, for the support of a building, a pier, or other superstructure, or to form a cofferdam, etc..
Pile :: Pile (n.) One of the ordinaries or subordinaries having the form of a wedge, usually placed palewise, with the broadest end uppermost..
Pile :: Pile (v. t.) To drive piles into; to fill with piles; to strengthen with piles.
Pile :: Pile (n.) A mass of things heaped together; a heap; as, a pile of stones; a pile of wood..
Pile :: Pile (n.) A mass formed in layers; as, a pile of shot..