Acrophony :: Acrophony (n.) The use of a picture symbol of an object to represent phonetically the initial sound of the name of the object.
Actinophorous :: Actinophorous (a.) Having straight projecting spines.
Adelphous :: Adelphous (a.) Having coalescent or clustered filaments; -- said of stamens; as, adelphous stamens. Usually in composition; as, monadelphous..
Adiaphorist :: Adiaphorist (n.) One of the German Protestants who, with Melanchthon, held some opinions and ceremonies to be indifferent or nonessential, which Luther condemned as sinful or heretical..
Adiaphoristic :: Adiaphoristic (a.) Pertaining to matters indifferent in faith and practice.
Amorphous :: Amorphous (a.) Having no determinate form; of irregular; shapeless.
Amorphous :: Amorphous (a.) Without crystallization in the ultimate texture of a solid substance; uncrystallized.
Amorphous :: Amorphous (a.) Of no particular kind or character; anomalous.
Amorphozoa :: Amorphozoa (n. pl.) Animals without a mouth or regular internal organs, as the sponges..
Amorphozoic :: Amorphozoic (a.) Of or pertaining to the Amorphozoa.
Amphopeptone :: Amphopeptone (n.) A product of gastric digestion, a mixture of hemipeptone and antipeptone..
Amphora :: Amphora (n.) Among the ancients, a two-handled vessel, tapering at the bottom, used for holding wine, oil, etc..
Amphoral :: Amphoral (a.) Pertaining to, or resembling, an amphora..
Amphoric :: Amphoric (a.) Produced by, or indicating, a cavity in the lungs, not filled, and giving a sound like that produced by blowing into an empty decanter; as, amphoric respiration or resonance..
Amphoteric :: Amphoteric (a.) Partly one and partly the other; neither acid nor alkaline; neutral.
Anamorphosis :: Anamorphosis (n.) A distorted or monstrous projection or representation of an image on a plane or curved surface, which, when viewed from a certain point, or as reflected from a curved mirror or through a polyhedron, appears regular and in proportion; a deformation of an image..