Pharisaical :: Pharisaical (a.) Of or pertaining to the Pharisees; resembling the Pharisees.
Pharisaical :: Pharisaical (a.) Addicted to external forms and ceremonies; making a show of religion without the spirit of it; ceremonial; formal; hypocritical; self-righteous.
Pharisaism :: Pharisaism (n.) The notions, doctrines, and conduct of the Pharisees, as a sect..
Pharisaism :: Pharisaism (n.) Rigid observance of external forms of religion, without genuine piety; hypocrisy in religion; a censorious, self-righteous spirit in matters of morals or manners..
Pharisean :: Pharisean (a.) Following the practice of Pharisees; Pharisaic.
Pharisee :: Pharisee (n.) One of a sect or party among the Jews, noted for a strict and formal observance of rites and ceremonies and of the traditions of the elders, and whose pretensions to superior sanctity led them to separate themselves from the other Jews..