Hypermetamorphosis :: Hypermetamorphosis (n.) A kind of metamorphosis, in certain insects, in which the larva itself undergoes remarkable changes of form and structure during its growth..
Hypermeter :: Hypermeter (n.) A verse which has a redundant syllable or foot; a hypercatalectic verse.
Hypermeter :: Hypermeter (n.) Hence, anything exceeding the ordinary standard..
Hypermetrical :: Hypermetrical (a.) Having a redundant syllable; exceeding the common measure.
Hypermetropy :: Hypermetropy (n.) A condition of the eye in which, through shortness of the eyeball or fault of the refractive media, the rays of light come to a focus behind the retina; farsightedness; -- called also hyperopia. Cf. Emmetropia..
Impermeable :: Impermeable (a.) Not permeable; not permitting passage, as of a fluid. through its substance; impervious; impenetrable; as, India rubber is impermeable to water and to air..
Permeability :: Permeability (n.) The quality or state of being permeable.
Permeable :: Permeable (a.) Capable of being permeated, or passed through; yielding passage; passable; penetrable; -- used especially of substances which allow the passage of fluids; as, wood is permeable to oil; glass is permeable to light..
Permeably :: Permeably (adv.) In a permeable manner.
Permeate :: Permeate (v. t.) To pass through the pores or interstices of; to penetrate and pass through without causing rupture or displacement; -- applied especially to fluids which pass through substances of loose texture; as, water permeates sand..
Permeate :: Permeate (v. t.) To enter and spread through; to pervade.