Acipenser :: Acipenser (n.) A genus of ganoid fishes, including the sturgeons, having the body armed with bony scales, and the mouth on the under side of the head. See Sturgeon..
Alpenstock :: Alpenstock (n.) A long staff, pointed with iron, used in climbing the Alps..
Compensate :: Compensate (v. t.) To make equal return to; to remunerate; to recompense; to give an equivalent to; to requite suitably; as, to compensate a laborer for his work, or a merchant for his losses..
Compensate :: Compensate (v. t.) To be equivalent in value or effect to; to counterbalance; to make up for; to make amends for.
Compensate :: Compensate (v. i.) To make amends; to supply an equivalent; -- followed by for; as, nothing can compensate for the loss of reputation..
Compensation :: Compensation (n.) The act or principle of compensating.
Compensation :: Compensation (n.) That which constitutes, or is regarded as, an equivalent; that which makes good the lack or variation of something else; that which compensates for loss or privation; amends; remuneration; recompense..
Compensation :: Compensation (n.) The extinction of debts of which two persons are reciprocally debtors by the credits of which they are reciprocally creditors; the payment of a debt by a credit of equal amount; a set-off.
Compensation :: Compensation (n.) A recompense or reward for some loss or service.
Compensation :: Compensation (n.) An equivalent stipulated for in contracts for the sale of real estate, in which it is customary to provide that errors in description, etc., shall not avoid, but shall be the subject of compensation..
Compensator :: Compensator (n.) One who, or that which, compensates; -- a name applied to various mechanical devices..
Compensator :: Compensator (n.) An iron plate or magnet placed near the compass on iron vessels to neutralize the effect of the ship's attraction on the needle.
Compensatory :: Compensatory (a.) Serving for compensation; making amends.
Dispensary :: Dispensary (n.) A place where medicines are prepared and dispensed; esp., a place where the poor can obtain medical advice and medicines gratuitously or at a nominal price..
Dispensation :: Dispensation (n.) The act of dispensing or dealing out; distribution; often used of the distribution of good and evil by God to man, or more generically, of the acts and modes of his administration..
Dispensation :: Dispensation (n.) That which is dispensed, dealt out, or appointed; that which is enjoined or bestowed.
Dispensation :: Dispensation (n.) A system of principles, promises, and rules ordained and administered; scheme; economy; as, the Patriarchal, Mosaic, and Christian dispensations..
Dispensation :: Dispensation (n.) The relaxation of a law in a particular case; permission to do something forbidden, or to omit doing something enjoined; specifically, in the Roman Catholic Church, exemption from some ecclesiastical law or obligation to God which a man has incurred of his own free will (oaths, vows, etc.)..