Ambiparous :: Ambiparous (a.) Characterized by containing the rudiments of both flowers and leaves; -- applied to a bud.
Aquiparous :: Aquiparous (a.) Secreting water; -- applied to certain glands.
Biparous :: Biparous (a.) Bringing forth two at a birth.
Deiparous :: Deiparous (a.) Bearing or bringing forth a god; -- said of the Virgin Mary.
Fissiparous :: Fissiparous (a.) Reproducing by spontaneous fission. See Fission.
Gemmiparous :: Gemmiparous (a.) Producing buds; reproducing by buds. See Gemmation, 1..
Larviparous :: Larviparous (a.) Depositing living larvae, instead of eggs; -- said of certain insects..
Muciparous :: Muciparous (a.) Secreting, or producing, mucus or mucin..
Multiparous :: Multiparous (a.) Producing many, or more than one, at a birth..
Oviparous :: Oviparous (a.) Producing young from rggs; as, an oviparous animal, in which the egg is generally separated from the animal, and hatched after exclusion; -- opposed to viviparous..
Ovoviviparous :: Ovoviviparous (a.) Oviparous, but hatching the egg while it is within the body, as some fishes and reptiles..
Pluriparous :: Pluriparous (a.) Producing several young at a birth; as, a pluriparous animal..
Polyparous :: Polyparous (a.) Producing or bearing a great number; bringing forth many.
Primiparous :: Primiparous (a.) Belonging to a first birth; bearing young for the first time.
Pupiparous :: Pupiparous (a.) Bearing, or containing, a pupa; -- said of the matured larvae, or larval skins, of certain Diptera..
Purpuriparous :: Purpuriparous (a.) Producing, or connected with, a purple-colored secretion; as, the purpuriparous gland of certain gastropods..
Setiparous :: Setiparous (a.) Producing setae; -- said of the organs from which the setae of annelids arise.
Uniparous :: Uniparous (a.) Producing but one egg or young at a time.