Accessories :: Accessories (pl. ) of Accessor.
Allegories :: Allegories (pl. ) of Allegor.
Ambulatories :: Ambulatories (pl. ) of Ambulator.
Armories :: Armories (pl. ) of Armor.
Calorie :: Calorie (n.) The unit of heat according to the French standard; the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one kilogram (sometimes, one gram) of water one degree centigrade, or from 0� to 1�. Compare the English standard unit, Foot pound..
Categories :: Categories (pl. ) of Categor.
Commorient :: Commorient (a.) Dying together or at the same time.
Conditories :: Conditories (pl. ) of Conditor.
Consistories :: Consistories (pl. ) of Consistor.
Contradictories :: Contradictories (pl. ) of Contradictor.
Contributories :: Contributories (pl. ) of Contributor.
Crematories :: Crematories (pl. ) of Cremator.
Degloried :: Degloried (a.) Deprived of glory; dishonored.
Depositories :: Depositories (pl. ) of Depositor.
Desponsories :: Desponsories (pl. ) of Desponsor.
Directories :: Directories (pl. ) of Director.
Disorient :: Disorient (v. t.) To turn away from the cast; to confuse as to which way is east; to cause to lose one's bearings.
Disorientate :: Disorientate (v. t.) To turn away from the east, or (figuratively) from the right or the truth..
Dispensatories :: Dispensatories (pl. ) of Dispensator.
Dories :: Dories (pl. ) of Dor.
Dories :: Dories (pl. ) of Dor.
Dormitories :: Dormitories (pl. ) of Dormitor.
Emunctories :: Emunctories (pl. ) of Emunctor.
Factories :: Factories (pl. ) of Factor.
Feudatories :: Feudatories (pl. ) of Feudator.
Gloried :: Gloried (a.) Illustrious; honorable; noble.
Gloried :: Gloried (imp. & p. p.) of Glor.
Historied :: Historied (a.) Related in history.
Historier :: Historier (n.) An historian.
Histories :: Histories (pl. ) of Histor.
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