Amblyopic :: Amblyopic (a.) Of or pertaining to amblyopy.
Ametropia :: Ametropia (n.) Any abnormal condition of the refracting powers of the eye.
Anisotropic :: Anisotropic (a.) Not isotropic; having different properties in different directions; thus, crystals of the isometric system are optically isotropic, but all other crystals are anisotropic..
Atropine :: Atropine (n.) A poisonous, white, crystallizable alkaloid, extracted from the Atropa belladonna, or deadly nightshade, and the Datura Stramonium, or thorn apple. It is remarkable for its power in dilating the pupil of the eye. Called also daturine..
Atropism :: Atropism (n.) A condition of the system produced by long use of belladonna.
Bacterioscopic :: Bacterioscopic (a.) Relating to bacterioscopy; as, a bacterioscopic examination..