Intersomnious :: Intersomnious (a.) Between the times of sleeping; in an interval of wakefulness.
Omni- :: Omni- () A combining form denoting all, every, everywhere; as in omnipotent, all-powerful; omnipresent..
Omnibus :: Omnibus (n.) A long four-wheeled carriage, having seats for many people; especially, one with seats running lengthwise, used in conveying passengers short distances..
Omnibus :: Omnibus (n.) A sheet-iron cover for articles in a leer or annealing arch, to protect them from drafts..
Omnicorporeal :: Omnicorporeal (a.) Comprehending or including all bodies; embracing all substance.
Omniety :: Omniety (n.) That which is all-pervading or all-comprehensive; hence, the Deity..
Omnifarious :: Omnifarious (a.) Of all varieties, forms, or kinds..
Omniferous :: Omniferous (a.) All-bearing; producing all kinds.
Omnipotency :: Omnipotency (n.) The state of being omnipotent; almighty power; hence, one who is omnipotent; the Deity..
Omnipotency :: Omnipotency (n.) Unlimited power of a particular kind; as, love's omnipotence..
Omnipotent :: Omnipotent (a.) Able in every respect and for every work; unlimited in ability; all-powerful; almighty; as, the Being that can create worlds must be omnipotent..
Omnipotent :: Omnipotent (a.) Having unlimited power of a particular kind; as, omnipotent love..