Chrysoidine :: Chrysoidine (n.) An artificial, yellow, crystalline dye, C6H5N2.C6H3(NH2)2. Also, one of a group of dyestuffs resembling chrysoidine proper..
Hematoidin :: Hematoidin (n.) A crystalline or amorphous pigment, free from iron, formed from hematin in old blood stains, and in old hemorrhages in the body. It resembles bilirubin. When present in the corpora lutea it is called haemolutein..
Myeloidin :: Myeloidin (n.) A substance, present in the protoplasm of the retinal epithelium cells, and resembling, if not identical with, the substance (myelin) forming the medullary sheaths of nerve fibers..
Nucleoidioplasma :: Nucleoidioplasma (n.) Hyaline plasma contained in the nucleus of vegetable cells.
Oidium :: Oidium (n.) A genus of minute fungi which form a floccose mass of filaments on decaying fruit, etc. Many forms once referred to this genus are now believed to be temporary conditions of fungi of other genera, among them the vine mildew (Oidium Tuckeri), which has caused much injury to grapes..
Ornithoidichnite :: Ornithoidichnite (n.) A fossil track resembling that of a bird.
Quinoidine :: Quinoidine (n.) A brownish resinous substance obtained as a by-product in the treatment of cinchona bark. It consists of a mixture of several alkaloids.
Scincoidian :: Scincoidian (n.) Any one of numerous species of lizards of the family Scincidae or tribe Scincoidea. The tongue is not extensile. The body and tail are covered with overlapping scales, and the toes are margined. See Illust. under Skink..