Commodious :: Commodious (a.) Adapted to its use or purpose, or to wants and necessities; serviceable; spacious and convenient; roomy and comfortable; as, a commodious house..
Incommodious :: Incommodious (a.) Tending to incommode; not commodious; not affording ease or advantage; unsuitable; giving trouble; inconvenient; annoying; as, an incommodious seat; an incommodious arrangement..
Melodious :: Melodious (a.) Containing, or producing, melody; musical; agreeable to the ear by a sweet succession of sounds; as, a melodious voice..
Odious :: Odious (a.) Hateful; deserving or receiving hatred; as, an odious name, system, vice..
Odious :: Odious (a.) Causing or provoking hatred, repugnance, or disgust; offensive; disagreeable; repulsive; as, an odious sight; an odious smell..