Extra-ocular :: Extra-ocular (a.) Inserted exterior to the eyes; -- said of the antennae of certain insects.
Infraocular :: Infraocular (a.) Situated below the eyes, as the antenna of certain insects..
Inoculability :: Inoculability (n.) The qual ity or state of being inoculable.
Inoculable :: Inoculable (a.) Capable of being inoculated; capable of communicating disease, or of being communicated, by inoculation..
Inocular :: Inocular (a.) Inserted in the corner of the eye; -- said of the antenn/ of certain insects.
Inoculate :: Inoculate (v. t.) To bud; to insert, or graft, as the bud of a tree or plant in another tree or plant..
Inoculate :: Inoculate (v. t.) To insert a foreign bud into; as, to inoculate a tree..
Inoculate :: Inoculate (v. t.) To communicate a disease to ( a person ) by inserting infectious matter in the skin or flesh; as, to inoculate a person with the virus of smallpox,rabies, etc. See Vaccinate..
Inoculate :: Inoculate (v. t.) Fig.: To introduce into the mind; -- used especially of harmful ideas or principles; to imbue; as, to inoculate one with treason or infidelity..
Inoculate :: Inoculate (v. i.) To graft by inserting buds.
Inoculate :: Inoculate (v. i.) To communicate disease by inoculation.
Inoculation :: Inoculation (n.) The act or art of inoculating trees or plants.
Inoculation :: Inoculation (n.) The act or practice of communicating a disease to a person in health, by inserting contagious matter in his skin or flesh..
Inoculation :: Inoculation (n.) Fig.: The communication of principles, especially false principles, to the mind..
Inoculator :: Inoculator (n.) One who inoculates; one who propagates plants or diseases by inoculation.
Interocular :: Interocular (a.) Between, or within, the eyes; as, the interocular distance; situated between the eyes, as the antennae of some insects..
Jocular :: "Jocular (a.) Given to jesting; jocose; as, a jocular person..