Enumerate :: Enumerate (v. t.) To count; to tell by numbers; to count over, or tell off one after another; to number; to reckon up; to mention one by one; to name over; to make a special and separate account of; to recount; as, to enumerate the stars in a constellation..
Innumerable :: Innumerable (a.) Not capable of being counted, enumerated, or numbered, for multitude; countless; numberless; unnumbered, hence, indefinitely numerous; of great number..
Monument :: Monument (n.) Something which stands, or remains, to keep in remembrance what is past; a memorial..
Monument :: Monument (n.) A building, pillar, stone, or the like, erected to preserve the remembrance of a person, event, action, etc.; as, the Washington monument; the Bunker Hill monument. Also, a tomb, with memorial inscriptions..
Monument :: Monument (n.) A stone or other permanent object, serving to indicate a limit or to mark a boundary..
Monument :: Monument (n.) A saying, deed, or example, worthy of record..
Monumental :: Monumental (a.) Of, pertaining to, or suitable for, a monument; as, a monumental inscription..
Monumental :: Monumental (a.) Serving as a monument; memorial; preserving memory.