Acnode :: Acnode (n.) An isolated point not upon a curve, but whose coordinates satisfy the equation of the curve so that it is considered as belonging to the curve..
Annodated :: Annodated (a.) Curved somewhat in the form of the letter S.
Anode :: Anode (n.) The positive pole of an electric battery, or more strictly the electrode by which the current enters the electrolyte on its way to the other pole; -- opposed to cathode..
Anodon :: Anodon (n.) A genus of fresh-water bivalves, having no teeth at the hinge..
Anodyne :: Anodyne (a.) Serving to assuage pain; soothing.
Anodyne :: Anodyne (a.) Any medicine which allays pain, as an opiate or narcotic; anything that soothes disturbed feelings..
Bunodonts :: Bunodonts (n. pl.) A division of the herbivorous mammals including the hogs and hippopotami; -- so called because the teeth are tuberculated.
Centinody :: Centinody (n.) A weed with a stem of many joints (Illecebrum verticillatum); also, the Polygonum aviculare or knotgrass..
Clinodiagonal :: Clinodiagonal (n.) That diagonal or lateral axis in a monoclinic crystal which makes an oblique angle with the vertical axis. See Crystallization.
Clinodiagonal :: Clinodiagonal (a.) Pertaining to, or the direction of, the clinodiagonal..
Conodont :: Conodont (n.) A peculiar toothlike fossil of many forms, found especially in carboniferous rocks. Such fossils are supposed by some to be the teeth of marsipobranch fishes, but they are probably the jaws of annelids..
Crunodal :: Crunodal (a.) Possessing, or characterized by, a crunode; -- used of curves..
Crunode :: Crunode (n.) A point where one branch of a curve crosses another branch. See Double point, under Double, a..
Cyprinodont :: Cyprinodont (n.) One of the Cyprinodontidae, a family of fishes including the killifishes or minnows. See Minnow..
Dicynodont :: Dicynodont (n.) One of a group of extinct reptiles having the jaws armed with a horny beak, as in turtles, and in the genus Dicynodon, supporting also a pair of powerful tusks. Their remains are found in triassic strata of South Africa and India..
Enodation :: Enodation (n.) The act or operation of clearing of knots, or of untying; hence, also, the solution of a difficulty..
Enode :: Enode (v. t.) To clear of knots; to make clear.
Epanodos :: Epanodos (n.) A figure of speech in which the parts of a sentence or clause are repeated in inverse orde.
Epanody :: Epanody (n.) The abnormal change of an irregular flower to a regular form; -- considered by evolutionists to be a reversion to an ancestral condition.