Dynastidan :: Dynastidan (n.) One of a group of gigantic, horned beetles, including Dynastus Neptunus, and the Hercules beetle (D. Hercules) of tropical America, which grow to be six inches in length..
Epinastic :: Epinastic (a.) A term applied to that phase of vegetable growth in which an organ grows more rapidly on its upper than on its under surface. See Hyponastic.
Gymnastical :: Gymnastical (a.) Pertaining to athletic exercises intended for health, defense, or diversion; -- said of games or exercises, as running, leaping, wrestling, throwing the discus, the javelin, etc.; also, pertaining to disciplinary exercises for the intellect; athletic; as, gymnastic exercises, contests, etc..
Gymnastics :: Gymnastics (n.) Athletic or disciplinary exercises; the art of performing gymnastic exercises; also, disciplinary exercises for the intellect or character..
Hyponastic :: Hyponastic (a.) Exhibiting a downward convexity caused by unequal growth. Cf. Epinastic.