Muscadine :: Muscadine (n.) A name given to several very different kinds of grapes, but in America used chiefly for the scuppernong, or southern fox grape, which is said to be the parent stock of the Catawba. See Grapevine..
Muscadine :: Muscadine (n.) A fragrant and delicious pear.
Muscardin :: Muscardin (n.) The common European dormouse; -- so named from its odor.
Muscardine :: Muscardine (n.) A disease which is very destructive to silkworms, and which sometimes extends to other insects. It is attended by the development of a fungus (provisionally called Botrytis bassiana). Also, the fungus itself..
Muscarin :: Muscarin (n.) A solid crystalline substance, C5H13NO2, found in the toadstool (Agaricus muscarius), and in putrid fish. It is a typical ptomaine, and a violent poison..
Muscat :: Muscat (n.) A name given to several varieties of Old World grapes, differing in color, size, etc., but all having a somewhat musky flavor. The muscat of Alexandria is a large oval grape of a pale amber color..
Muscatel :: Muscatel (a.) Of, pertaining to, or designating, or derived from, a muscat grapes or similar grapes; a muscatel grapes; muscatel wine, etc..
Muscatel :: Muscatel (n.) A common name for several varieties of rich sweet wine, made in Italy, Spain, and France..
Muscatel :: Muscatel (n.) Finest raisins, dried on the vine; sun raisins..
Muschelkalk :: Muschelkalk (n.) A kind of shell limestone, whose strata form the middle one of the three divisions of the Triassic formation in Germany. See Chart, under Geology..
Musci :: Musci (n. pl.) An order or subclass of cryptogamous plants; the mosses. See Moss, and Cryptogamia..
Muscicapine :: Muscicapine (a.) Of or pertaining to the Muscicapidae, a family of birds that includes the true flycatchers..
Muscid :: Muscid (n.) Any fly of the genus Musca, or family Muscidae..
Musciform :: Musciform (a.) Having the form or structure of flies of the genus Musca, or family Muscidae..
Musciform :: Musciform (a.) Having the appearance or form of a moss.
Muscle :: Muscle (n.) An organ which, by its contraction, produces motion..
Muscle :: Muscle (n.) The contractile tissue of which muscles are largely made up.