Mountebank :: Mountebank (n.) One who mounts a bench or stage in the market or other public place, boasts of his skill in curing diseases, and vends medicines which he pretends are infalliable remedies; a quack doctor..
Mountebank :: Mountebank (n.) Any boastful or false pretender; a charlatan; a quack.
Mountebank :: Mountebank (v. t.) To cheat by boasting and false pretenses; to gull.
Mountebank :: Mountebank (v. i.) To play the mountebank.
Mountebankery :: Mountebankery (n.) The practices of a mountebank; quackery; boastful and vain pretenses.
Mountebankish :: Mountebankish (a.) Like a mountebank or his quackery.
Mountebankism :: Mountebankism (n.) The practices of a mountebank; mountebankery.