Alamodality :: Alamodality (n.) The quality of being a la mode; conformity to the mode or fashion; fashionableness.
Modal :: Modal (a.) Of or pertaining to a mode or mood; consisting in mode or form only; relating to form; having the form without the essence or reality.
Modal :: Modal (a.) Indicating, or pertaining to, some mode of conceiving existence, or of expressing thought..
Modalist :: Modalist (n.) One who regards Father, Son, and Spirit as modes of being, and not as persons, thus denying personal distinction in the Trinity..
Modality :: Modality (n.) The quality or state of being modal.
Modality :: Modality (n.) A modal relation or quality; a mode or point of view under which an object presents itself to the mind. According to Kant, the quality of propositions, as assertory, problematical, or apodeictic..