Haemochromogen :: Haemochromogen (n.) A body obtained from hemoglobin, by the action of reducing agents in the absence of oxygen..
Haemochromometer :: Haemochromometer (n.) An apparatus for measuring the amount of hemoglobin in a fluid, by comparing it with a solution of known strength and of normal color..
Hammochrysos :: Hammochrysos (n.) A stone with spangles of gold color in it.
Homochromous :: Homochromous (a.) Having all the florets in the same flower head of the same color.
Mocha :: Mocha (n.) A seaport town of Arabia, on the Red Sea..
Mocha :: Mocha (n.) A variety of coffee brought from Mocha.
Mocha :: Mocha (n.) An Abyssinian weight, equivalent to a Troy grain..
Thermochemical :: Thermochemical (a.) Of or pertaining to thermochemistry; obtained by, or employed in, thermochemistry..
Thermochemistry :: Thermochemistry (n.) That branch of chemical science which includes the investigation of the various relations existing between chemical action and that manifestation of force termed heat, or the determination of the heat evolved by, or employed in, chemical actions..
Thermochrosy :: Thermochrosy (n.) The property possessed by heat of being composed, like light, of rays of different degrees of refrangibility, which are unequal in rate or degree of transmission through diathermic substances..