Ethmovomerine :: Ethmovomerine (n.) Pertaining to the region of the vomer and the base of the ethmoid in the skull.
Glimmering :: Glimmering (n.) A faint view or idea; a glimpse; an inkling.
Meringue :: Meringue (n.) A delicate pastry made of powdered sugar and the whites of eggs whipped up, -- with jam or cream added..
Merino :: Merino (a.) Of or pertaining to a variety of sheep with very fine wool, originally bred in Spain..
Merino :: Merino (a.) Made of the wool of the merino sheep.
Merino :: Merino (n.) A breed of sheep originally from Spain, noted for the fineness of its wool..
Merino :: Merino (n.) A fine fabric of merino wool.
Stammering :: Stammering (a.) Apt to stammer; hesitating in speech; stuttering.
Vomerine :: Vomerine (a.) Of or pertaining to the vomer.