Calamander Wood :: Calamander wood () A valuable furniture wood from India and Ceylon, of a hazel-brown color, with black stripes, very hard in texture. It is a species of ebony, and is obtained from the Diospyros quaesita. Called also Coromandel wood..
Commander :: Commander (n.) A chief; one who has supreme authority; a leader; the chief officer of an army, or of any division of it..
Commander :: Commander (n.) An officer who ranks next below a captain, -- ranking with a lieutenant colonel in the army..
Commander :: Commander (n.) The chief officer of a commandery.
Commander :: Commander (n.) A heavy beetle or wooden mallet, used in paving, in sail lofts, etc..
Commandery :: Commandery (n.) The office or rank of a commander.
Commandery :: Commandery (n.) A district or a manor with lands and tenements appertaining thereto, under the control of a member of an order of knights who was called a commander; -- called also a preceptory..
Commandery :: Commandery (n.) An assembly or lodge of Knights Templars (so called) among the Freemasons.
Commandery :: Commandery (n.) A district under the administration of a military commander or governor.
Germander :: Germander (n.) A plant of the genus Teucrium (esp. Teucrium Chamaedrys or wall germander), mintlike herbs and low shrubs..
Gerrymander :: Gerrymander (v. t.) To divide (a State) into districts for the choice of representatives, in an unnatural and unfair way, with a view to give a political party an advantage over its opponent..
Salamander :: Salamander (n.) Any one of numerous species of Urodela, belonging to Salamandra, Amblystoma, Plethodon, and various allied genera, especially those that are more or less terrestrial in their habits..
Salamander :: Salamander (n.) The pouched gopher (Geomys tuza) of the Southern United States.
Salamander :: Salamander (n.) A culinary utensil of metal with a plate or disk which is heated, and held over pastry, etc., to brown it..