Lumachella :: Lumachella (n.) A grayish brown limestone, containing fossil shells, which reflect a beautiful play of colors. It is also called fire marble, from its fiery reflections..
Machairodus :: Machairodus (n.) A genus of extinct mammals allied to the cats, and having in the upper jaw canine teeth of remarkable size and strength; -- hence called saber-toothed tigers..
Machete :: Machete (n.) A large heavy knife resembling a broadsword, often two or three feet in length, -- used by the inhabitants of Spanish America as a hatchet to cut their way through thickets, and for various other purposes..
Machiavelian :: Machiavelian (a.) Of or pertaining to Machiavel, or to his supposed principles; politically cunning; characterized by duplicity or bad faith; crafty..
Machiavelian :: Machiavelian (n.) One who adopts the principles of Machiavel; a cunning and unprincipled politician.
Machiavelianism :: Machiavelianism (n.) The supposed principles of Machiavel, or practice in conformity to them; political artifice, intended to favor arbitrary power..
Machicolation :: Machicolation (n.) An opening between the corbels which support a projecting parapet, or in the floor of a gallery or the roof of a portal, shooting or dropping missiles upen assailants attacking the base of the walls. Also, the construction of such defenses, in general, when of this character. See Illusts. of Battlement and Castle..
Machicolation :: Machicolation (n.) The act of discharging missiles or pouring burning or melted substances upon assailants through such apertures.