Gloxinia :: Gloxinia (n.) American genus of herbaceous plants with very handsome bell-shaped blossoms; -- named after B. P. Gloxin, a German botanist..
Haloxyline :: Haloxyline (n.) An explosive mixture, consisting of sawdust, charcoal, niter, and ferrocyanide of potassium, used as a substitute for gunpowder..
Loxodremism :: Loxodremism (n.) The act or process of tracing a loxodromic curve; the act of moving as if in a loxodromic curve.
Loxodromic :: Loxodromic (a.) Pertaining to sailing on rhumb lines; as, loxodromic tables..
Loxodromics :: Loxodromics (n.) The art or method of sailing on the loxodromic or rhumb line.
Loxodromy :: Loxodromy (n.) The science of loxodromics.
Phlox :: Phlox (n.) A genus of American herbs, having showy red, white, or purple flowers..
Phylloxanthin :: Phylloxanthin (n.) A yellow coloring matter extracted from chlorophyll.
Phylloxera :: Phylloxera (n.) A small hemipterous insect (Phylloxera vastatrix) allied to the aphids. It attacks the roots and leaves of the grapevine, doing great damage, especially in Europe..
Phylloxera :: Phylloxera (n.) The diseased condition of a vine caused by the insect just described.