Caloric :: Caloric (n.) The principle of heat, or the agent to which the phenomena of heat and combustion were formerly ascribed; -- not now used in scientific nomenclature, but sometimes used as a general term for heat..
Caloric :: Caloric (a.) Of or pertaining to caloric.
Caloricity :: Caloricity (n.) A faculty in animals of developing and preserving the heat necessary to life, that is, the animal heat..
Chloric :: Chloric (a.) Pertaining to, or obtained from, chlorine; -- said of those compounds of chlorine in which this element has a valence of five, or the next to its highest; as, chloric acid, HClO3..
Euchloric :: Euchloric (a.) Relating to, or consisting of, euchlorine; as, euchloric /..
Floricomous :: Floricomous (a.) Having the head adorned with flowers.
Floricultural :: Floricultural (a.) Pertaining to the cultivation of flowering plants.
Floriculture :: Floriculture (n.) The cultivation of flowering plants.
Floriculturist :: Floriculturist (n.) One skilled in the cultivation of flowers; a florist.
Hydrochloric :: Hydrochloric (a.) Pertaining to, or compounded of, chlorine and hydrogen gas; as, hydrochloric acid; chlorhydric..
Peptohydrochloric :: Peptohydrochloric (a.) Designating a hypothetical acid (called peptohydrochloric acid, pepsinhydrochloric acid, and chloropeptic acid) which is supposed to be formed when pepsin and dilute (0.1-0.4 per cent) hydrochloric acid are mixed together..
Perchloric :: Perchloric (a.) Pertaining to, or designating, the highest oxygen acid (HClO4), of chlorine; -- called also hyperchloric..