Chromolithograph :: Chromolithograph (n.) A picture printed in tints and colors by repeated impressions from a series of stones prepared by the lithographic process.
Litho :: Litho () A combining form from Gr. li`qos, stone..
Lithobilic :: Lithobilic (a.) Pertaining to or designating an organic acid of the tartaric acid series, distinct from lithofellic acid, but, like it, obtained from certain bile products, as bezoar stones..
Lithocarp :: Lithocarp (n.) Fossil fruit; a fruit petrified; a carpolite.
Lithochromics :: Lithochromics (n.) The art of printing colored pictures on canvas from oil paintings on stone.
Lithoclast :: Lithoclast (n.) An instrument for crushing stones in the bladder.
Lithocyst :: Lithocyst (n.) A sac containing small, calcareous concretions (otoliths). They are found in many Medusae, and other invertebrates, and are supposed to be auditory organs..
Lithodome :: Lithodome (n.) Any one of several species of bivalves, which form holes in limestone, in which they live; esp., any species of the genus Lithodomus..
Lithodomous :: Lithodomous (a.) Like, or pertaining to, Lithodomus; lithophagous..
Lithodomus :: Lithodomus (n.) A genus of elongated bivalve shells, allied to the mussels, and remarkable for their ability to bore holes for shelter, in solid limestone, shells, etc. Called also Lithophagus..
Lithofellic :: Lithofellic (a.) Pertaining to, or designating, a crystalline, organic acid, resembling cholic acid, found in the biliary intestinal concretions (bezoar stones) common in certain species of antelope..
Lithofracteur :: Lithofracteur (n.) An explosive compound of nitroglycerin. See Nitroglycerin.
Lithogenesy :: Lithogenesy (n.) The doctrine or science of the origin of the minerals composing the globe.
Lithogenous :: Lithogenous (a.) Stone-producing; -- said of polyps which form coral.
Lithoglypher :: Lithoglypher (n.) One who curs or engraves precious stones.
Lithoglyphic :: Lithoglyphic (a.) Of or pertaining to the art of cutting and engraving precious stones.
Lithoglyptics :: Lithoglyptics (n.) The art of cutting and engraving gems.
Lithograph :: Lithograph (v. t.) To trace on stone by the process of lithography so as to transfer the design to paper by printing; as, to lithograph a design; to lithograph a painting. See Lithography..
Lithograph :: Lithograph (n.) A print made by lithography.