Blithe :: Blithe (a.) Gay; merry; sprightly; joyous; glad; cheerful; as, a blithe spirit..
Lithe :: Lithe (v. i. & i.) To listen or listen to; to hearken to.
Lithe :: Lithe (a.) Mild; calm; as, lithe weather..
Lithe :: Lithe (a.) Capable of being easily bent; pliant; flexible; limber; as, the elephant's lithe proboscis..
Lithe :: Lithe (a.) To smooth; to soften; to palliate.
Lithely :: Lithely (adv.) In a lithe, pliant, or flexible manner..
Litheness :: Litheness (n.) The quality or state of being lithe; flexibility; limberness.
Lither :: Lither (a.) Bad; wicked; false; worthless; slothful.
Litherly :: Litherly (a.) Crafty; cunning; mischievous; wicked; treacherous; lazy.
Lithesome :: Lithesome (a.) Pliant; limber; flexible; supple; nimble; lissom.