Ablegation :: Ablegation (n.) The act of sending abroad.
Adlegation :: Adlegation (n.) A right formerly claimed by the states of the German Empire of joining their own ministers with those of the emperor in public treaties and negotiations to the common interest of the empire.
Allegation :: Allegation (n.) The act of alleging or positively asserting.
Allegation :: Allegation (n.) That which is alleged, asserted, or declared; positive assertion; formal averment.
Allegation :: Allegation (n.) A statement by a party of what he undertakes to prove, -- usually applied to each separate averment; the charge or matter undertaken to be proved..
Delegation :: Delegation (n.) The act of delegating, or investing with authority to act for another; the appointment of a delegate or delegates..
Delegation :: Delegation (n.) One or more persons appointed or chosen, and commissioned to represent others, as in a convention, in Congress, etc.; the collective body of delegates; as, the delegation from Massachusetts; a deputation..
Delegation :: Delegation (n.) A kind of novation by which a debtor, to be liberated from his creditor, gives him a third person, who becomes obliged in his stead to the creditor, or to the person appointed by him..
Legatine :: Legatine (a.) Of or pertaining to a legate; as, legatine power..
Legatine :: Legatine (a.) Made by, proceeding from, or under the sanction of, a legate; as, a legatine constitution..
Legation :: Legation (n.) The sending forth or commissioning one person to act for another.
Legation :: Legation (n.) A legate, or envoy, and the persons associated with him in his mission; an embassy; or, in stricter usage, a diplomatic minister and his suite; a deputation..
Legation :: Legation (n.) The place of business or official residence of a diplomatic minister at a foreign court or seat of government.
Legation :: Legation (n.) A district under the jurisdiction of a legate.
Misallegation :: Misallegation (n.) A erroneous statement or allegation.