Accumulator :: Accumulator (n.) One who, or that which, accumulates, collects, or amasses..
Accumulator :: Accumulator (n.) An apparatus by means of which energy or power can be stored, such as the cylinder or tank for storing water for hydraulic elevators, the secondary or storage battery used for accumulating the energy of electrical charges, etc..
Accumulator :: Accumulator (n.) A system of elastic springs for relieving the strain upon a rope, as in deep-sea dredging..
Adulator :: Adulator (n.) A servile or hypocritical flatterer.
Adulatory :: Adulatory (a.) Containing excessive praise or compliment; servilely praising; flattering; as, an adulatory address..
Ambulator :: Ambulator (n.) One who walks about; a walker.
Ambulator :: Ambulator (n.) A beetle of the genus Lamia.
Ambulator :: Ambulator (n.) A genus of birds, or one of this genus..
Ambulator :: Ambulator (n.) An instrument for measuring distances; -- called also perambulator.
Ambulatorial :: Ambulatorial (a.) Ambulatory; fitted for walking.
Ambulatory :: Ambulatory (a.) Of or pertaining to walking; having the faculty of walking; formed or fitted for walking; as, an ambulatory animal..
Ambulatory :: Ambulatory (a.) Accustomed to move from place to place; not stationary; movable; as, an ambulatory court, which exercises its jurisdiction in different places..
Ambulatory :: Ambulatory (a.) Not yet fixed legally, or settled past alteration; alterable; as, the dispositions of a will are ambulatory until the death of the testator..
Ambulatory :: Ambulatory (n.) A place to walk in, whether in the open air, as the gallery of a cloister, or within a building..
Annihilator :: Annihilator (n.) One who, or that which, annihilates; as, a fire annihilator..
Articulator :: Articulator (n.) One who, or that which, articulates; as: (a) One who enunciates distinctly. (b) One who prepares and mounts skeletons. (c) An instrument to cure stammering..
Assimilatory :: Assimilatory (a.) Tending to assimilate, or produce assimilation; as, assimilatory organs..
Calculator :: Calculator (n.) One who computes or reckons: one who estimates or considers the force and effect of causes, with a view to form a correct estimate of the effects..