Irregular :: Irregular (a.) Not regular; not conforming to a law, method, or usage recognized as the general rule; not according to common form; not conformable to nature, to the rules of moral rectitude, or to established principles; not normal; unnatural; immethodical; unsymmetrical; erratic; no straight; not uniform; as, an irregular line; an irregular figure; an irregular verse; an irregular physician; an irregular proceeding; irregular motion; irregular conduct, etc. Cf. Regular..
Irregular :: Irregular (n.) One who is not regular; especially, a soldier not in regular service..
Irregularist :: Irregularist (n.) One who is irregular.
Irregularities :: Irregularities (pl. ) of Irregularit.
Irregularity :: Irregularity (n.) The state or quality of being irregular; that which is irregular.
Irregularly :: Irregularly (adv.) In an irregular manner.
Irregulate :: Irregulate (v. t.) To make irregular; to disorder.
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