Iridal :: Iridal (a.) Of or pertaining to the iris or rainbow; prismatic; as, the iridal colors..
Iridectomy :: Iridectomy (n.) The act or process of cutting out a portion of the iris in order to form an artificial pupil.
Irideous :: Irideous (a.) Pertaining to, or resembling, a large natural order of endogenous plants (Iridaceae), which includes the genera Iris, Ixia, Crocus, Gladiolus, and many others..
Iridescence :: Iridescence (n.) Exhibition of colors like those of the rainbow; the quality or state of being iridescent; a prismatic play of color; as, the iridescence of mother-of-pearl..
Iridescent :: Iridescent (a.) Having colors like the rainbow; exhibiting a play of changeable colors; nacreous; prismatic; as, iridescent glass..
Iridian :: Iridian (a.) Of or pertaining to the iris or rainbow.
Iridious :: Iridious (a.) Of or pertaining to iridium; -- applied specifically to compounds in which iridium has a low valence.
Iridium :: Iridium (n.) A rare metallic element, of the same group as platinum, which it much resembles, being silver-white, but harder, and brittle, and indifferent to most corrosive agents. With the exception of osmium, it is the heaviest substance known, its specific gravity being 22.4. Symbol Ir. Atomic weight 192.5..
Iridize :: Iridize (v. t.) To point or tip with iridium, as a gold pen..
Iridize :: Iridize (v. t.) To make iridescent; as, to iridize glass..
Iridoline :: Iridoline (n.) A nitrogenous base C10H9N, extracted from coal-tar naphtha, as an oily liquid. It is a member of the quinoline series, and is probably identical with lepidine..
Iridosmium :: Iridosmium (n.) The native compound of iridium and osmium. It is found in flattened metallic grains of extreme hardness, and is often used for pointing gold pens..
Platiniridium :: Platiniridium (n.) A natural alloy of platinum and iridium occurring in grayish metallic rounded or cubical grains with platinum.
Viridine :: Viridine (n.) A greenish, oily, nitrogenous hydrocarbon, C12H19N7, obtained from coal tar, and probably consisting of a mixture of several metameric compounds which are higher derivatives of the base pyridine..
Viridite :: Viridite (n.) A greenish chloritic mineral common in certain igneous rocks, as diabase, as a result of alternation..
Viridity :: Viridity (n.) Greenness; verdure; the color of grass and foliage.