Intercalary :: Intercalary (a.) Inserted or introduced among others in the calendar; as, an intercalary month, day, etc.; -- now applied particularly to the odd day (Feb. 29) inserted in the calendar of leap year. See Bissextile, n..
Intercalary :: Intercalary (n.) Introduced or inserted among others; additional; supernumerary.
Intercalate :: Intercalate (v. t.) To insert, as a day or other portion of time, in a calendar..
Intercalate :: Intercalate (v. t.) To insert among others, as a verse in a stanza; specif. (Geol.), to introduce as a bed or stratum, between the layers of a regular series of rocks..
Intercalation :: Intercalation (n.) The insertion of a day, or other portion of time, in a calendar..
Intercalation :: Intercalation (n.) The insertion or introduction of anything among others, as the insertion of a phrase, line, or verse in a metrical composition; specif. (Geol.), the intrusion of a bed or layer between other layers..
Intercarotid :: Intercarotid (a.) Situated between the external and internal carotid arteries; as, an intercarotid ganglion..
Intercarpal :: Intercarpal (a.) Between the carpal bone; as, intercarpal articulations, ligaments..
Intercartilaginous :: Intercartilaginous (a.) Within cartilage; endochondral; as, intercartilaginous ossification..
Intercavernous :: Intercavernous (a.) Between the cavernous sinuses; as, the intercavernous sinuses connecting the cavernous sinuses at the base of the brain..
Intercede :: Intercede (v. i.) To pass between; to intervene.
Intercede :: Intercede (v. i.) To act between parties with a view to reconcile differences; to make intercession; to beg or plead in behalf of another; to mediate; -- usually followed by with and for; as, I will intercede with him for you..
Intercede :: Intercede (v. t.) To be, to come, or to pass, between; to separate..
Intercentrum :: Intercentrum (n.) The median of the three elements composing the centra of the vertebrae in some fossil batrachians.
Intercept :: Intercept (v. t.) To take or seize by the way, or before arrival at the destined place; to cause to stop on the passage; as, to intercept a letter; a telegram will intercept him at Paris..
Intercept :: Intercept (v. t.) To obstruct or interrupt the progress of; to stop; to hinder or oppose; as, to intercept the current of a river..
Intercept :: Intercept (v. t.) To interrupt communication with, or progress toward; to cut off, as the destination; to blockade..
Intercept :: Intercept (v. t.) To include between; as, that part of the line which is intercepted between the points A and B..
Intercept :: Intercept (n.) A part cut off or intercepted, as a portion of a line included between two points, or cut off two straight lines or curves..