Skimmington :: Skimmington (n.) A word employed in the phrase, To ride Skimmington; that is to ride on a horse with a woman, but behind her, facing backward, carrying a distaff, and accompanied by a procession of jeering neighbors making mock music; a cavalcade in ridicule of a henpecked man. The custom was in vogue in parts of England..
Swimming :: Swimmeret (n.) One of a series of flat, fringed, and usually bilobed, appendages, of which several pairs occur on the abdominal somites of many crustaceans. They are used as fins in swimming..
Swimming :: Swimming (a.) That swims; capable of swimming; adapted to, or used in, swimming; as, a swimming bird; a swimming motion..
Swimming :: Swimming (a.) Suffused with moisture; as, swimming eyes..
Swimming :: Swimming (n.) The act of one who swims.
Swimming :: Swimming (a.) Being in a state of vertigo or dizziness; as, a swimming brain..
Swimmingly :: Swimming (n.) Vertigo; dizziness; as, a swimming in the head..
Swimmingness :: Swimmingly (adv.) In an easy, gliding manner, as if swimming; smoothly; successfully; prosperously..
Trimming :: Trimming (n.) The act of one who trims.
Trimming :: Trimming (n.) That which serves to trim, make right or fitting, adjust, ornament, or the like; especially, the necessary or the ornamental appendages, as of a garment; hence, sometimes, the concomitants of a dish; a relish; -- usually in the pluraltrimmings. --..
Trimming :: Trimming (n.) The act of reprimanding or chastisting; as, to give a boy a trimming..