Gimmal :: Gimmal (n.) Joined work whose parts move within each other; a pair or series of interlocked rings.
Gimmal :: Gimmal (n.) A quaint piece of machinery; a gimmer.
Immaculate :: Immaculate (a.) Without stain or blemish; spotless; undefiled; clear; pure.
Immailed :: Immailed (a.) Wearing mail or armor; clad of armor.
Immalleable :: Immalleable (a.) Not maleable.
Immanacle :: Immanacle (v. t.) To manacle; to fetter; hence; to confine; to restrain from free action.
Immanacled :: Immanacled (imp. & p. p.) of Immanacl.
Immanacling :: Immanacling (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Immanacl.
Immanation :: Immanation (n.) A flowing or entering in; -- opposed to emanation.
Immane :: Immane (a.) Very great; huge; vast; also, monstrous in character; inhuman; atrocious; fierce..
Immanence :: Immanence (n.) Alt. of Immanenc.
Immanency :: Immanency (n.) The condition or quality of being immanent; inherence; an indwelling.
Immanent :: Immanent (a.) Remaining within; inherent; indwelling; abiding; intrinsic; internal or subjective; hence, limited in activity, agency, or effect, to the subject or associated acts; -- opposed to emanant, transitory, transitive, or objective..
Immanifest :: Immanifest (a.) Not manifest.
Immanity :: Immanity (n.) The state or quality of being immane; barbarity.
Immantle :: Immantle (v. t.) See Emmantle.
Immanuel :: Immanuel (n.) God with us; -- an appellation of the Christ.
Immarcescible :: Immarcescible (a.) Unfading; lasting.
Immarcescibly :: Immarcescibly (adv.) Unfadingly.
Immarginate :: Immarginate (a.) Not having a distinctive margin or border.
Immartial :: Immartial (a.) Not martial; unwarlike.
Immask :: Immask (v. t.) To cover, as with a mask; to disguise or conceal..
Immatchable :: Immatchable (a.) Matchless; peerless.
Immaterial :: Immaterial (a.) Not consisting of matter; incorporeal; spiritual; disembodied.
Immaterial :: Immaterial (a.) Of no substantial consequence; without weight or significance; unimportant; as, it is wholly immaterial whether he does so or not..
Immaterialism :: Immaterialism (n.) The doctrine that immaterial substances or spiritual being exist, or are possible..
Immaterialism :: Immaterialism (n.) The doctrine that external bodies may be reduced to mind and ideas in a mind; any doctrine opposed to materialism or phenomenalism, esp. a system that maintains the immateriality of the soul; idealism; esp., Bishop Berkeley's theory of idealism..
Immaterialist :: Immaterialist (n.) One who believes in or professes, immaterialism..
Immaterialities :: Immaterialities (pl. ) of Immaterialit.
Immateriality :: Immateriality (n.) The state or quality of being immaterial or incorporeal; as, the immateriality of the soul..
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