Timbre :: Timbre (n.) The crest on a coat of arms.
Timbre :: Timbre (n.) The quality or tone distinguishing voices or instruments; tone color; clang tint; as, the timbre of the voice; the timbre of a violin. See Tone, and Partial tones, under Partial..
Timbrel :: Timbrel (n.) A kind of drum, tabor, or tabret, in use from the highest antiquity..
Timbrelled :: Timbrelled (a.) Sung to the sound of the timbrel.
Whimbrel :: Whimbrel (n.) Any one of several species of small curlews, especially the European species (Numenius phaeopus), called also Jack curlew, half curlew, stone curlew, and tang whaup. See Illustration in Appendix..