Hypothec :: Hypothec (n.) A landlord's right, independently of stipulation, over the stocking (cattle, implements, etc.), and crops of his tenant, as security for payment of rent..
Hypotheca :: Hypotheca (n.) An obligation by which property of a debtor was made over to his creditor in security of his debt.
Hypothecate :: Hypothecate (v. t.) To subject, as property, to liability for a debt or engagement without delivery of possession or transfer of title; to pledge without delivery of possession; to mortgage, as ships, or other personal property; to make a contract by bottomry. See Hypothecation, Bottomry..
Hypothecation :: Hypothecation (n.) The act or contract by which property is hypothecated; a right which a creditor has in or to the property of his debtor, in virtue of which he may cause it to be sold and the price appropriated in payment of his debt. This is a right in the thing, or jus in re..
Hypothecation :: Hypothecation (n.) A contract whereby, in consideration of money advanced for the necessities of the ship, the vessel, freight, or cargo is made liable for its repayment, provided the ship arrives in safety. It is usually effected by a bottomry bond. See Bottomry..
Hypothecator :: Hypothecator (n.) One who hypothecates or pledges anything as security for the repayment of money borrowed.
Hypothenar :: Hypothenar (a.) Of or pertaining to the prominent part of the palm of the hand above the base of the little finger, or a corresponding part in the forefoot of an animal; as, the hypothenar eminence..
Hypothesis :: Hypothesis (n.) A supposition; a proposition or principle which is supposed or taken for granted, in order to draw a conclusion or inference for proof of the point in question; something not proved, but assumed for the purpose of argument, or to account for a fact or an occurrence; as, the hypothesis that head winds detain an overdue steamer..
Hypothesis :: Hypothesis (n.) A tentative theory or supposition provisionally adopted to explain certain facts, and to guide in the investigation of others; hence, frequently called a working hypothesis..
Hypothetical :: Hypothetical (a.) Characterized by, or of the nature of, an hypothesis; conditional; assumed without proof, for the purpose of reasoning and deducing proof, or of accounting for some fact or phenomenon..
Hypothetist :: Hypothetist (n.) One who proposes or supports an hypothesis.