Brachypinacoid :: Brachypinacoid (n.) A plane of an orthorhombic crystal which is parallel both to the vertical axis and to the shorter lateral (brachydiagonal) axis.
Brachyptera :: Brachyptera (n. pl.) A group of Coleoptera having short wings; the rove beetles.
Brachypteres :: Brachypteres ( A group of birds, including auks, divers, and penguins..
Hypallage :: Hypallage (n.) A figure consisting of a transference of attributes from their proper subjects to other. Thus Virgil says, dare classibus austros, to give the winds to the fleets, instead of dare classibus austris, to give the fleets to the winds..
Hypanthium :: Hypanthium (n.) A fruit consisting in large part of a receptacle, enlarged below the calyx, as in the Calycanthus, the rose hip, and the pear..
Hypapophysis :: Hypapophysis (n.) A process, or other element, of a vertebra developed from the ventral side of the centrum, as haemal spines, and chevron bones..
Hyparterial :: Hyparterial (a.) Situated below an artery; applied esp. to the branches of the bronchi given off below the point where the pulmonary artery crosses the bronchus.
Hypaspist :: Hypaspist (n.) A shield-bearer or armor-bearer.
Hypaxial :: Hypaxial (a.) Beneath the axis of the skeleton; subvertebral; hyposkeletal.