Hydrometrical :: Hydrometrical (a.) Of or pertaining to an hydrometer, or to the determination of the specific gravity of fluids..
Hydrometrical :: Hydrometrical (a.) Of or pertaining to measurement of the velocity, discharge, etc., of running water..
Hydrometrical :: Hydrometrical (a.) Made by means of an hydrometer; as, hydrometric observations..
Hydrometrograph :: Hydrometrograph (n.) An instrument for determining and recording the quantity of water discharged from a pipe, orifice, etc., in a given time..
Hydrometry :: Hydrometry (n.) The art of determining the specific gravity of liquids, and thence the strength of spirituous liquors, saline solutions, etc..
Hydrometry :: Hydrometry (n.) The art or operation of measuring the velocity or discharge of running water, as in rivers, etc..